K  E  N  Y  A  ! !

October 5-15, 2013


We want to share with you all some of the details of our first trip! 

     We will be travelling to Nambale, Tiriki, Kisumu, and a visit to an Apostolic Bible school in Nairobi. 

     There will be much to do!  We will be ministering and worshipping with people of the Luya tribe and two other native churches.  We will also minister in a large conference.  People are waiting for our arrival, desiring to be baptized in Jesus name.  We are expecting great things to happen during our services!  We have been informed that souls are hungry for the gospel of Jesus Christ in this area!

     We hope you will join with us in prayer as we seek God's anointing and protection in this trip.  We realize that there are dangers present in third world countries that are not to be overlooked.  But we trust God for our safety and provision as He leads us to reach those people who are praying for the message we bring to them.  We will update our site after the trip so you can hear how it goes! :D


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